The Okay Samaritan

I keep thinking about the story of the Good Samaritan. What would have happened if the Samaritan had said, “I need to wait until the facts come out” before I can care about this guy?

When did we become so quick to blame? So eager to choose sides? So incapable of thinking of someone else’s point of view?

A life is a life. On both sides there are real children across this country coming home without their fathers. Mothers are grieving the loss of children they will never hug again.

We seriously need to work on our empathy and compassion. Our lack of concern for others is becoming our downfall.

Compassion means imagining what someone else is going through, climbing into someone else’s skin and walking around for a while, and then finding tangible ways to help and make things better.

It does not mean “That’s too bad that happened to you, but I’m going to go on with my life over here as though nothing happened.” It takes extra effort. It means you might be inconvenienced or get uncomfortable.

Please try to understand someone else’s perspective today. Talk to someone who is black, Hispanic, gay, single, without kids. You probably won’t agree on everything, and that’s okay. But we cannot love others, we cannot love our neighbor as ourselves, if we are not even willing to get to know them. 

Eleven Things I'm Grateful for Today

Sophie is an excellent dancer.

Eleven things I'm grateful for today:

1. WE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! I felt so horrible that I went to bed at 8:00. I don't think I've done that since I was seven years old. And we didn't wake up at all!
2. The blackberry stain cleaned up in an astonishing way! I tried carpet cleaner and diluted dish soap, but baking soda and white vinegar is truly a miracle.
3. Ben has thrown up three times today, but THEY WERE ALL IN THE TRASH CAN!!! This is huge people.
4. Ben being sick makes him unusually cuddly. He has not been this way in years (normally way too busy). Not that I am taking advantage of the situation or anything.
5. My mom is the most helpful, servant-hearted person in the world and has kept this train from going off the rails at so many moments when I was just about done. Thank you Mom! Love you!
6. In my latest Wal-Mart run I found a huge box of Starbucks Cafe Verona k-cups that was way cheaper than they usually are. It was just sitting all by itself, like it was waiting for me. I love when God does that!
7. We FINALLY managed to work in a haircut for Sophie. She looks adorable and you can see her eyes again (sorry Soph).
8. Bethel Music on YouTube. An instant mood lift.
9. Odd Squad on PBSKids for providing Ben with some edutainment this week (although now he wants his friends to form their own Odd Squad, with multiple walkie talkies and for Mom to replicate the outfits).
10. It's supposed to be in the 60s next week! Come on, spring!!!
11. Friends who pray for us and who are there when we need it. Thank you all!


The Fight, Day 4: Blackberry Vomit

They look good now...

*Warning – This post is not for the faint of stomach.

Ben first stayed home from school after he threw up early Tuesday morning. He hadn’t thrown up since and I had slowly reintroduced foods (ice chips, toast, apples, eggs) and he’d kept them down fine. We appeared to be hanging out in the long, slow lane of low fever and horrible cough, so I was treating accordingly. I didn’t expect him to go to school today because the cough was still very bad, but I was really just waiting it out and praying the cough would end soon. Since he seemed fine otherwise last night we had shrimp tacos and quesadillas…and blackberries.

Around midnight, I heard Ben coughing which was frustrating but not unusual. It got worse and then I heard him talking. I got up and found him in the bathroom. His face was green.

“I threw up,” he said.
“Oh, baby.”
He coughed. “I think we need to put Vicks on my feet again.” He handed me a sock covered in vomit. It oozed down my arm.
“Okay. I think it’s on your pajamas. Let’s get them off.”
“Okay. I think we need to put Vicks on my feet again.” (We are known for our middle-of-the-night coherence.)
“It’s red! Oh my gosh, it’s red!” I started panicking that he was throwing up blood.
“What, my eye?”
“No, the vomit!”
“What’s vomit?”
“The throw up.”
“Yeah, I threw up.”

I got his pajamas off and went to his room to get new ones. It looked like a murder scene. Only maybe more hot pink and black. There were blackberry seeds everywhere that exploded into purple carpet stains when I tried to clean them up. Since he had gotten up to wash his hands, there was a pinkish-red path from his bed to the door (opposite corner of the room, of course). I almost took a picture of the whole mess, but didn’t think anyone would appreciate the incredible medical and digestive display as much as I did.

The barf bucket sat in pristine condition next to this whole scene.

I could not stop laughing as I tried to clean up the whole mess. I felt like I was in an animated movie. It just kept spreading and staining and sliding away from me. For better or worse, I decided to let it dry and try again in the morning. I have carpet cleaner on it now. Wish me luck!

I set him up in my room (again) with the barf bucket (again). We got to sleep fairly quickly (after the usual discussion of our feelings and plans for the next day) but Morning Person Ben was wide awake at 6 am with some of these gems:

“I have two stomachs and they are both hungry and thirsty. Since I have a food stomach and a drinking stomach, I can have water even though I just threw up. It’s fine.”

“How am I possibly going to get to sleep when my body is not in perfect shape?”

“My tongue feels funny. It’s like my tongue is taking over my mouth. You cannot really think I can go to sleep like this.”

I’m beginning to view sleep as a distant memory, an old friend that I miss and wonder, “What happened? Where did we go wrong?”

While cleaning the hot pink and black contents of my son’s stomach off his beige carpet, I really regretted the blackberries. I thought about signs I may have missed that he was sick. But really there were none.

Sometimes we think we’re good and we’re not good. Sometimes we really are good and then we throw up in the middle of the night. Sometimes we should know we are about to vomit but we have the self-awareness of a six year-old who says “Okay” when you ask how he feels on a scale of one to ten. And sometimes we know we’re about to blow but we just don’t want to admit it.

It's not easy, but it's really good to check in and be aware of yourself - to think about how you feel, how you treat people, what stains you're leaving behind you that are going to take some major work to clean up.

The Fight, Day 3: Plans for Peace

So of the few moments he's not talking

An update: things are not great. Ben has been up in the night coughing every night - 1:30-3:30 last night, 2:30-4:00 the night before. The night before that was the vomiting night. I get up and check on him, put Vicks on his feet, turn his music back on since it has quit playing. But I just feel helpless. I can't really do anything to make him stop coughing and I hate it.

I am a super light sleeper so once I hear him, I have a horrible time getting back to sleep. I can't sleep until he’s not coughing anymore and back to sleep. It would be better for both of us if I could get some sleep (although I’m sure I’m Mary Poppins on 4 hours of sleep), but I just can't. I lie there and think and pray. As I hear him cough I think about moms and dads with a child who has a chronic illness. My heart breaks for them. This virus is bad and us being sick is frustrating. But at least it will be over soon.

A big part of the problem is that this is lonely work. When you have been sick for two weeks and you are already stir crazy, it is hard when your child takes his turn to be quarantined. We can't really go anywhere because we bring our germ party with us. And even we don't want them. For two extroverts who thrive on being around people, isolation is hard.

In other news, Ben's right eye turned bright red yesterday. It's better today, but not great. I've been having him take steam showers the past few days to help with the cough. Last night afterwards we came downstairs to find water all over the dining room floor. So the fun continues.

But this stuff isn't bothering me like it was. It just doesn't feel like a big deal. I would almost say I feel peaceful about things. If you know me, you would probably never use the word “peaceful" to describe me. Intense. Determined. Aggressively helpful. Extremely beautiful (thank you, eighty year-old man at Wal-Mart). But “peaceful” does not come so naturally.

In all the frustration I've been dealing with, a couple friends have encouraged me to rest in God and experience His rest. That's hard for me. But today I gave in. I accepted that my plans and my productivity are just not happening right now. And that’s okay. I love it when God changes my difficult circumstances. But it shows more maturity when I’m not difficult in my circumstances. Much like life, this week is not going to look at all like I had planned it. But I get to lie on the couch and kiss my child and fix him toast and smell his hair and thank God for this moment. And that's pretty great.

America the Grump: A Donald Trump/Green Eggs and Ham Parody

Since today the Super Tuesday results have collided with Dr. Seuss's birthday, this poem has been rattling around in my brain. My sincerest apologies to Dr. Seuss and the Geisel family for the association.

America the Grump!
America the Grump!
What is happening to
America the Grump?

Do you like Donald J. Trump?

I do not like him,
America the Grump.
I do not like Donald J. Trump.

Would you like him big and tall?
Would you like him with a wall?

I would not like him big and tall.
I would not like him with a wall.
I do not like Donald J. Trump.
I do not like him, America the Grump.

Would you like him ignoring vets?
Would you like him frequently in debt?

I would not like him ignoring vets.
I would not like him frequently in debt.
I do not like him big and tall.
I do not like him with a wall.
I do not like Donald J. Trump.
I do not like him, America the Grump.

Would you like him with a fluffy hairdo?
Would you like him threatening to sue?

I would not, could not with a fluffy hairdo.
I would not, could not threatening to sue.
I do not like him ignoring vets.
I do not like him frequently in debt.
I do not like him big and tall.
I do not like him with a wall.
I do not like Donald J. Trump.
I do not like him, America the Grump.

Would you like him with his words?
Do you like the words you’ve heard?

I would not, could not with his words.
I do not like the words I’ve heard.
I do not like his fluffy hairdo.
I do not like him threatening to sue.
I do not like him ignoring vets.
I do not like him frequently in debt.
I do not like him big and tall.
I do not like him with a wall.
I do not like Donald J. Trump.
I do not like him, America the Grump.

In a debate!
Doing great!
Surely you just cannot wait!

I can wait for his debate.
I do not see him doing great.
I do not like his fluffy hairdo.
I do not like him threatening to sue.
I do not like him ignoring vets.
I do not like him frequently in debt.
I do not like him big and tall.
I do not like him with a wall.
I do not like Donald J. Trump.
I do not like him, America the Grump.

He lies! He lies! He lies! He lies!
Could you, would you, when he lies?

I would not, could not, if he lies.

With a new bride! With a new bride!
Surely with a new bride by his side!

I would not, could not with a new bride.
I would not, could not when he lies.
I do not like him in a debate.
I do not see him doing great.
I do not like his fluffy hairdo.
I do not like him threatening to sue.
I do not like him ignoring vets.
I do not like him frequently in debt.
I do not like him big and tall.
I do not like him with a wall.
I do not like Donald J. Trump.
I do not like him, America the Grump.

You do not like him.
So you say.
Try him! Try him!
And you may.
I guess he bests the rest, I say.

You cannot “try” a chief
and hope he will be
all you want him to be.

Our president is in office for four long years.
We can’t check a box based on feelings or fears.
He is not equipped; he changes his mind
At the shift of the wind or the flip of a dime.
He has no positions, no definite plans
Just a long list of things he can’t actually ban.
He can’t work with people, he’s always a hater.
He’s great if you want an American dictator.
I understand your anger; I feel it too.
But that does not make electing him the right thing to do.

America the Grump!
America the Grump!
I do not like Donald J. Trump.
Please do not vote for him, America the Grump.

The Fight, Day 1: The Blahs of Winter and Finding My Motivation

I showered at 4 pm and the barf bucket has been our constant companion. This day is winning.

I hate this time of year. I have very little motivation and I really just want to sit on my couch in my comfy pants drinking lattes and watching The Mindy Project. I’m trying to find someone who will pay me to do this, but no luck so far.

I think it’s a combination of factors, including but not limited to:

1.   I am so over this cold, dreary, sometimes wildly fluctuating weather.
2.  I had influenza recently and cannot kick the cough. I could never be a smoker.
3.  I cannot hear about (or see) Donald Trump anymore. This is Hitler all over again people.
4.  I am tired of the same old thing. I get this way this time of year, when it’s not yet spring but it’s not “fun winter” (i.e. Christmas) anymore. I’m ready to go swimming or for a (warm) walk or go on a trip. Anybody up for Florida next week?

So I’ve been feeling like this for a while. I was really motivated until I got sick. I was reading the Bible and spending time with God every day. I was writing regularly. I was working out EVERY DAY, you guys. I was becoming a disciplined adult. And now I’ve reverted to a college student going to class in her pajamas.

The interesting thing is that I got sick at the same time God Is Bigger came out. We made it available for pre-orders on a Thursday night and I woke up Friday feeling bad. By Saturday I felt like I’d been hit by a truck.

Earlier that week I had also joined a 5 am prayer group called The Fives. (5 am, five days a week, for five weeks. I KNOW.) If you know me you are aware that I don’t ever want to see 5 am. I know the sunrise is beautiful, but the live version is surely overrated. Instagram captures it well enough for me. But some friends were experiencing amazing transformation from this group and I have some areas in my life where I really want to see some change. So I committed, even though I knew it would be hard.

Since that week, things have not just been hard. They have been horrible. I got influenza and was in bed for over a week. My fever got so high I had to go to the doctor, which I had been trying to avoid at all costs since I knew it was the flu (and therefore not treatable with medication, thus a wasted doctor visit in my book). My mom was just as sick at the same time. My dishwasher quit working. I paid to have it fixed but it still is not working, which is always fun. Now Ben and my dad are sick. My dad has already had a lot of heart problems this winter, so him getting sick just does not work at all. It’s been lots of leaks and breaks and crises and just one thing after another.

Then Ben woke me up at 3:30 this morning because he’d thrown up ALL OVER his bed. He got in bed with me and threw up a few more times just for good measure. We did not get back to sleep after that, although I did get really good at saying, “You cannot fall asleep if you are talking. It’s just not possible.”

So I’m really worn out.

I will be honest and tell you that I’ve been pretty frustrated. I got some really bad news yesterday and just yelled at God for a while. I realized I was rather angry with Him, the way you do when you explode on someone and unleash six months’ worth of junk you didn’t realize was lingering. (I’m sure you don’t do that. That must just be me.) None of this is fair. I’m doing the right things (spending time with God, reading the Bible) and even some really great things (God Is Bigger, The Fives), so my life should be blessed, right? Things should be easier, not falling apart!

I really wish this was the way it worked. I wish doing good things just paved the way for an easy life. But Jesus was really into the whole laying down your life thing and warning that we would have troubles. The Bible tells us that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph 6:12). That may freak some of you out, but the devil is not happy when we accomplish things for the Kingdom. When I told a friend that I was feeling really sick and having a hard time she said, “I’m not surprised. You’ve written this amazing book about God that’s going to be seen by lots of people. It’s going to be a fight.”

Sometimes we’re in a fight but we don’t realize it. Or we don’t want to admit it. One of the things that irritates me the most is fake Christianity. I don’t like blogs and churches and people that make following Jesus look easy and position it as though if you are not having an easy life then something is wrong with you. I completely understand (and believe in) the principle of sowing and reaping and I get that we bring a lot of our junk on ourselves. But I also think we have a lot of Christians walking around acting like things are great (or who are very vocal when things are great) but they never want to be honest when things are hard.

So this may be crazy or stupid, but I’m going to blog for the next 30 days about all of this. About my frustrations, my fight, my revelations, my relief. I’m not going to promise you eloquence or artistry every day. Some days you may get “It’s just bad today” or a picture of my dog on her blanket. But I’m going to be honest. And I’d like you to be honest too. I HATE the portrayal of Christians in the media. But I can’t complain about it if I’m not going to put something else out there.  

I really wish there was a way that I could watch tv all day and somehow change the world. But there is not (or at least I haven’t found it yet). Apparently I have to get up and do things. This is not the biggest battle I’ve faced. I’ve dealt with much worse so I know how to do this. I have to pray even when I don’t feel like it. I have to worship when I don’t feel like it. I have to get my mind off myself and my junk. I just have to get off the couch, put my big girl pants on, and fight.